Tuesday 17 May 2011

A lipstick is a necessary beauty product – How to choose the right one

If you look through a woman`s purse, you will definitely find at least one lipstick. These beauty products are a crucial part of the beautifying process that women tend to repeat more than once a day. Since they are not always at home, carrying a lipstick is a necessity.

However, numerous women have troubles when it comes to choosing a lipstick. If you think about it, you will realize that you have spent too much time on trying out different types and shades, most of which did not really make you satisfied.

The best way to avoid wasting time and thus save time is to consider some of the most important aspects when choosing a lipstick is in question. There are no limits as to which colors you should choose, but there are certain limits determined on the basis of your lips and on the basis of what you are trying to achieve.

Full lips are what most women would like to have and there is no doubt that the only way to do this is to choose a lipstick that will make your lips plump and sexy. Botox is an option, of course, but considering that there are potential risks involved, using a lipstick seems much more sensible.

Women with thin lips will mostly benefit from cream lipsticks because these contain larger amounts of wax that will make their lips look fuller. The only drawback is that cream lipsticks make your lips dry, which is why you are advised to apply some kind of moisturizer first.

Moisturizing lipsticks are meant for those that are concerned not only about their appearance but about the skin on their lips as well. Namely, these beauty products contain vitamin E and aloe vera, both of which are extremely beneficial when it comes to taking good care of your appearance.

Satin and sheer lipsticks are characterized by the fact that they contain a bit more oil than other lipsticks. This means that the color will always look slightly lighter on your lips. But what is appealing about this particular type is that these lipsticks make your lips look shiny, moist and extremely attractive.

Gloss lipsticks, together with frosted lipsticks are very popular among younger generations probably because they have glitter in them and thus make your lips sparkle. These can also dry out your lips, so remember to apply a moisturizer first.

Now that you are familiar with almost every type of lipstick, your shopping experience will be much more enjoyable.